
Showing posts from August, 2024

Genealogy of Early Humans

Genealogy of Early Humans Referenced from the Holy Bible and other Lost Writings The early beginnings of humans can be found in the Book of Genesis 2:7 “ the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being ” . This is the first written occurrence of the beginnings of the human race, written by Moses and his knowledge of this was given to him by God. In Genesis 2:21-22, God created a mate for Adam named Eve from Adam ’ s rib, this is the most widely known account of the creation of woman. I have found in the Haggadah(the text of the Talmud which derives from the Mishnah(in Hebrew) and the Gemara(in Aramaic) the two widely spoken languages of ancient times) there is a conflicting addition to the creation of Adam and Eve. In my research I found that Eve was not the first woman, this woman is known as Lilith. She also was created the same way as Adam and because of this, she